Sep 15, 2021
Today I’m talking with Raven Moore, Managing Counsel of Commercial Litigation for McDonald’s. A native of Chicagoland, Raven grew up thinking she would either be a lawyer or a comedian. As you will hear, we got a chuckle out of her comedic aspirations but, in truth, Raven could have been anything she wanted to be. She followed her instinct to the law. She attended the University of Dayton where she studied communications management, then headed south to Tulane for law school. While she had a passion for human rights, she was drawn towards litigation so she took a job with a Chicago-based firm, Sachnoff & Weaver where she cut her teeth as a young lawyer.
Raven reflects on some of the key experiences she had from her early years of practice and commends those more senior lawyers around her at the time for giving her meaningful opportunities. Sachnoff & Weaver later merged with Reed Smith, which is where Raven made partner as a new mom. The experience was both a proud moment for Raven, who worked hard for years to obtain that achievement, but also a reflection of the impact Raven made at her firm. Not surprisingly, she continues to make the same type of impact today as in-house counsel for McDonald’s, where she has been for the last 8 years. I told Raven during our discussion that she is truly a role model for me and I think you’ll understand why after hearing her humbly walk us through the admirable career she has enjoyed thus far.